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The latest data on food insecurity in Massachusetts from Project Bread

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boy eating apple outside of school wearing a coat looking worried

Understanding the issue

In support of our mission to end hunger in Massachusetts, we use internal and external data to inform our direct service programs and to make evidence-based policy recommendations.

We believe scientific evidence is critical in promoting equity and so we prioritize providing inclusive and accurate statistics. Our research and analyses is based on our efforts to ensure that we are using the highest quality data available. 

Food insecurity doubled during the pandemic

Prior to the pandemic, household food insecurity in Massachusetts was at 8.2%. The coronavirus pandemic fueled a hunger crisis unlike any other in our lifetime, at its peak rendering 19.5% of households food insecure. While the current rate of food insecurity is lower than at the height of the pandemic, too many households are still struggling with food access, and a return to pre-pandemic rates is not an option.

Overall Trend

In Massachusetts, the rate of food insecurity is approaching its May 2020 pandemic peak.

Recent data show that food insecurity rates have been inching closer to the high we saw at the onset of the pandemic. Approximately, 17.9% of all households in MA reported food insecurity in February 2024. 

Source: U.S. Household Pulse Survey

A line graph displaying data on the percentage of food insecure households in MA, with the percentage currently at 17.9% of all households in MA as of February 2024.

Child Hunger

Food insecurity among households with children is trending upwards.

Recent trends show that food insecurity among households with children in Massachusetts is trending upwards from the low we saw in April 2021 when families were receiving a whole host of federal and state level benefits. Recently rates have been fluctuating between 20% to 26%, and as of February 2024, an estimated 22.9% of households with children are facing food insecurity. The rising costs of housing and other basic needs, like food, are factors that can likely be attributed to the rising rates of food insecurity.

Source: US Census Household Pulse Survey

A line graph displaying data on the percentage of food insecure households with children in MA, with the percentage currently at 22.9% of all households in MA as of February 2024.

Going back to 8.2% is not success

We can—and must—do better for each other, a return to ‘normal’ is not an option.

Magenta Stars Yellow Stars


BIPOC households are recovering from the pandemic significantly slower than white households.

BIPOC households are recovering from the pandemic significantly slower than white households. In the last 6 months (August 2023 - January 2024), 1 in 5 (19.3%) white households with children compared to more than 1 in 3 (29.5%) Black households with children and approximately 1 in 3 (34.5%) Latino/a households with children were food insecure.

Source: US Census Household Pulse Survey

A bar graph displaying data on households with children experiencing food insecurity, separated by race/ethnicity. In the last 6 months (August 2023 - January 2024), 1 in 5 (19.3%) white households with children compared to more than 1 in 3 (29.5%) Black households with children and approximately 1 in 3 (34.5%) Latino/a households with children were food insecure.

Shedding light on disparities

LGBTQ+ individuals face greater rates of food insecurity

The LGBTQ+ community has faced oppression throughout history. They face many barriers and obstacles that suppress their voices and economic opportunities, and cause several other negative impacts. This oppression has a major impact on the community’s food security. 

16.6% of LGBTQ+ Households in Massachusetts experienced food insecurity Starts Line

Expanded Child Tax Credit

Majority of Child Tax Credit Spent on Basic Needs & Debt

An estimated 70% of households in Massachusetts that received the Child Tax Credit (CTC) in July 2021 spent the payment on food, rent, utilities, or debt. The highest category was food, underscoring the importance of the CTC in helping families in Massachusetts. We support making the expansion of the CTC permanent so households with children continue to receive support in meeting their needs.

Note: Table percentages total more than 100 because respondents were allowed to choose more than one category.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey week 34

Child Tax Credit Starts Line

The importance of SNAP

SNAP provides 9 meals for every 1 meal a food bank provides

The federal nutrition program, SNAP, is our country’s most effective and efficient response to hunger. Only SNAP has the ability to quickly scale up to meet any size of need. SNAP is proven to reduce food insecurity and lift people out of poverty.

Happy little multiethnic girl sitting in a trolley, shopping cart at supermarket, grocery store Starts Line

SNAP Trends

SNAP enrollment has increased substantially since the onset of the pandemic.

SNAP has been a powerhouse during the pandemic to help individuals and families afford food. As of March 2022, Massachusetts has surpassed 1 million SNAP recipients in the state. Enrollment data show that Massachusetts continues to see increases in SNAP enrollment. As of January 2024, there are 1,064,016 people and 646,644 households in Massachusetts receiving SNAP.

Source: Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance

A bar graph displaying data on SNAP enrollment in MA. As of March 2022, Massachusetts has surpassed 1 million SNAP recipients in the state. Enrollment data show that Massachusetts continues to see increases in SNAP enrollment. As of January 2024, there are 1,064,016 people and 646,644 households in Massachusetts receiving SNAP.
African-American dad holding his son Starts Line

Our latest Research

Barriers to SNAP

During the pandemic, state and federal actions to remove barriers and strengthen SNAP have helped many people access and afford food.

Indications that food insecurity is beginning to decline, with SNAP possibly having a role, brings urgency to our research to measure SNAP awareness, understand the perceptions that may impact a person’s willingness to enroll in the program, and learn about the experiences of residents when using SNAP benefits.

Explore our research findings, released August 2021, informing our recommendations to dismantle any barriers that persist between those eligible but not enrolled, that may contribute to SNAP’s underutilization.