Thank you Congressman Jim McGovern, a national leader in solving hunger

Project Bread

Policy Work

In the days following the 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, held September 28, we are feeling the excitement and motivation to push forward on BOLD solutions to end hunger by 2030.

In the nationwide convening, Massachusetts emerged as a clear leader in innovative solutions ending hunger, and many organizations statewide have been working for years to support the solutions that we are now hoping to see advance through the state legislature and U.S. Congress.

In Massachusetts, we are also privileged in another key measure, the leadership of Chairman Jim McGovern.

Statement from MA nonprofits to Congressman McGovern

We would like to extend our admiration and gratitude to Chairman McGovern for his ceaseless dedication to fighting food insecurity throughout his tenure in Congress. We are thankful for his championing of anti-hunger issues and pushing forward the funding that made the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health possible.

His commitment helped bring together over 600 people from across the nation to Washington D.C, and thousands more streaming online, to talk through the White House National Strategy and uplift solutions around SNAP, school meals, health care, the emergency food system, and more. Chairman McGovern has always been there to support us as partners and as an advocate for this work.

Throughout his work advancing anti-hunger policy, he has centered the voices of those who have lived experience with hunger and worked in concert with community partners to find solutions. His commitment to reminding those within his district and across the country that hunger is not only a political issue, but a bipartisan issue that can be solved, is why we were able to gather last week in Washington at the second-ever White House convening on hunger and health.

We look forward to his continued leadership as we now move forward into the next year and build on the momentum that Chairman McGovern has spearheaded.

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Thank Congressman McGovern for Championing Hunger at the White House!

On Sept. 28, the White House held its first conference on hunger in 50 years. This historic day was championed by our very own Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern. Help us thank him for his leadership fighting hunger!

Thank You Signed By

Project Bread
American Red Cross Boston Food Pantry
Amherst Survival Center
Belmont Farmers’ Market 
Boston Children's Hospital
Boston Medical Center
Bunker Hill Community College
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee
Children's HealthWatch
Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc.
Commonwealth Care Alliance
Community Survival Center
Disability Law Center
Easthampton Community Center
EMPath - Economic Mobility Pathways
Equitable Spaces
Feeding All Massachusetts

The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
Greater Boston Food Bank
Greater Boston Legal Services
Greenfield Community College
Women's Resource Center MA
Food System Collaborative
The Marion Institute
Massachusetts Councils on Aging
Mass Law Reform Institute
Metrowest Legal Services
The Open Door
Rehoboth Council on Aging
Safety Net Project of the WilmerHale Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School
Somerville Food Security Coalition 
The Southcoast Food Policy Council
UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program, Northeast Region
Worcester County Food Bank


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