Salem Shawarma Marinade

Ghada from Salem

School Lunch


Salem Shwarma Marinade

Recipe developed in collaboration with Chef Ryan Eckles (Project Bread) and Chef Ghada (Salem)

While working in Salem I had the opportunity to build this recipe with Ghada, a head cook at Horace Mann, and it was a huge hit with kids of all ages. From roasted broccoli, to french fries, to bone-in chicken, we used this rub, marinade, and mayo to recreate the bold flavors and aromas of Lebanon. We found that using maple syrup as the sweetener in the marinade added a subtle maple flavor that really elevated the dish. Make a big batch of the rub and it will last for months if kept in a dark, cool, and dry area.

Shawarma marinade ingredients.

Yield: 5 cups


1/2 cup Garlic powder

1/4 cup Onion powder

2 Tbsp. Black pepper

2 Tbsp. Chili powder

1 Tbsp. Coriander

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1 tsp. Cardamom

1/2 tsp. Nutmeg

1/2 tsp. Clove

1/2 tsp. Allspice

1/2 cup Salt

1+ 1/4 cup Maple syrup or sugar

2 cups Cider vinegar

1/2 cup Oil


  1. Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

*We recommend 2-3 cups marinade for every 10 pounds of diced chicken

Nutritional Information

Nutritional information per 1 cup serving*: Calories n/a Saturated Fat 1.265g Sodium 674.2mg Carbohydrate 88.2g

* nutrient data and allergen information may vary depending on the specific ingredients and equipment used in your location.

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